Cloudy With a Chance of “Pour” Decisions: Choosing Your Kind of Buzz

So… Alcohol is bad. We all know this, right? But people will continue to consume any and all alcohol to achieve that buzz or drunkenness, no matter how bad it really is for you. In reality, everything is usually okay in moderation, but it always comes down to personal choices. With a new dawn on the rise of non-alcoholic alternatives and hemp infused beverages, what will you grab for to achieve your next buzz? While we are not here to tell you what to drink, we can give you the option for a great tasting, hangover-free, and moderated buzz.

Let’s take a look at the facts. As we discussed in our previous blog, alcohol has been around for a while now and tons of research has been done around it. A recent study from the World Health Organization published a statement that claimed “when it comes to alcohol consumption, there is no safe amount that does not affect health.” I know what you’re probably thinking– whaaaatttt I thought one glass of red wine a night was healthy for me?!? Well, no glass of wine is healthy for you, but some just may be less harmful than others. Afterall, alcohol is a toxic poison.

In fact, according to the same article, alcohol has been categorized under the Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer decades ago— being the highest risk group alongside tobacco and radiation. And, you guessed it, the chances of developing any on the list of cancers is increased by the more you drink alcohol. The truth is that the risk for developing cancers and other issues starts with the first drop of alcohol, so you should stay informed when it comes to what you are putting in your body.

But what does this mean for the world of hemp? While cannabis and hemp have not had nearly as much research and studies done as alcohol, more people are becoming curious and involved in understanding the long-term effects. Yes, we know THC gets you high, and some evidence points to CBD having a calming effect. Still… don’t we want to know how this will affect us 10, 20, even 40 years down the line? Is it really improving our health, or harming it like alcohol?

Well, cannabis is classed under a Schedule I Drug, which is defined by “drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” But, because of the 2018 Farm Bill which reshaped the way many industries view cannabis’s sibling, hemp was excluded from the Schedule 1 Drug placement and is not defined by these terms. So in this way, hemp may be a better alternative to cannabis considering that it is sold more widely and is legal in 47 states, with certain restrictions on limits and additives. 

So, we say to you– let consumers consume! The Drinkable Company will be here with our great tasting, diverse, value-priced products (that we offer as a healthier alternative to consuming alcoholic beverages). 


Transition to Hemp-Based Beverages: You Can Now BUY ONLINE!!


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